Ansley Vaughan

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I was working, but managed to get to a family party at 2300 on Christmas night. They had a big plate of turkey waiting for me.

I spent the week before Christmas driving up and down to Wales, a round trip from my home in London of about 350 miles. Last Friday, the whole of the southern part of Britain was shrouded in fog, and when I got back to London it was like driving through one of the old fashioned pea-soupers, which we thought we'd seen the back of after the series of Clean Air Acts which began in Britain in 1956. The fog even smelled foul, and it was a horrible green colour. Most unpleasant to drive in.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Well, I've done it! Just had my word count for NaNoWriMo verified. It came in at 62,567 words.

Now all I have to do is completely rewrite it! I found it exhausting, but quite exhilirating to write like this. But my usual writing style is to write a little, re-read, go back and polish, and so move on in small increments, and I found it very strange and rather frustrating not to be able to do this.

Nevertheless, it's been great fun. Now if I can just work out how to display my winner's certificate, I'll be happy!